Day 3,276, 06:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

My friends today is indeed a historic day. Today the USA decides its country president and today i will lay before you my complete road-map for the month of November 2016.

You can remember my final address to you
krakken's final address

1. Project Diaspora and Project Open Gates

We need players entering our country from other countries. ATM as I am typing this now there are 16 players online in Ireland and we have 1 new citizen


whereas Serbia currently has 275 citizens online and more new citizens today 17 than we have citizens online.

RISK - yes there will be some risk in these steps -
REWARD - more players means more damage means more activity means more voters.


Project Diaspora

A diaspora (from Greek διασπορά, "scattering, dispersion")[1] is a scattered population whose origin lies within a smaller geographic locale. Diaspora can also refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland.

The phenomenon of migration from Ireland is recorded since early Medieval times,[1] but it is only possible to quantify it from around 1700: since then between 9 and 10 million people born in Ireland have emigrated. This is more than the population of Ireland at its historical peak in the 1840s of 8.5 million. The poorest of them went to Great Britain, especially Liverpool; those who could afford it, almost 5 million, went to the United States.[2]

After 1840, emigration from Ireland became a massive, relentless, and efficiently managed national enterprise.[3] In 1890 40% of Irish-born people were living abroad. By the 21st century, an estimated 80 million people worldwide claimed some Irish descent, which includes more than 36 million Americans who claim Irish as their primary ethnicity

Where and who can be found here :Wikipedia:Irish Diaspora

There is more people of Irish Descent than there is Irish people.

So we will reach out to them to join our eCountry.

In each country a voted article will appear. This voted article will invite them to relocate back to eIreland their historic fatherland. All the person returning must do is in his application for citizenhsip type IRISH DIASPORA and he will be accepted unconditionally.

Fad leis seo a thagadh cairde agus lucht gaoil an té a bhí ag imeacht chun na coigrithe. B'anseo an scaradh. Seo Droichead na nDeor" (Family and friends of the person leaving for foreign lands would come this far. Here was the separation. This is the Bridge of Tears).


Building on the same concept a secondary project will indiscriminately open our gates for player to join our eCountry.

In this month there will be no immigration council to slow down the process of citizenship and limit the number of citizens. All will be welcomed.

All an applicant will need to write in his application is Open Gates and our gates will be opened for him asap.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

2. The Amazing Race Ireland

A team will using the google forms I earlier created run this competition in Ireland. More details will follow later.

This will be open to all of our citizens and all of our friends wherever their situated in the world.

3. Pack Giveaway

The minister of community will hold a competition for all lower division players. A lucky player will receive one pack of his choice. If none available then when it is available again.

4. Best Game Idea competition

Using the template of the west. The minister of community will run a competition to solicit in a required template the best game idea for eRepublik. Prizes will be awarded to the winner.

5. War games

from moomoo

Had an idea. We set up a contest against another country our size. Let them AS Ireland and take three regions. Then we start a new war with some rules. No CO, even stack MPP, etc. we come up with some bet like we bet 100k bet or RTK has to wear a avatar. We make our own war contest. End of contest all regions go back. Make it a friendly war.

No blue milk.

This will be arranged by Cabinet . So please fight hard as me like me current avatar :'(

6. Full financials.

We will keep track on what we spend and will publish a full financial. OFC more players also mean more money right. A trawler has been bought for 1 willing lad or lass to run the finances of Ireland . Not that we have any really to speak of.


to register for the first time.

GO TO ->

Create your won channel and nick etc


into your chat section and press enter it will create a pop up link click on that to enter channel eIreland for the first time. register your nick and to the left you will thereafter always see the channels you entered

The channel is divided into various links GOVERNMENT for the cabinet etc/congress I think I also saw/Orders for military orders/Public for chewing the fat /Foreign Pals for foreign visitors/ Irish Army and any you can think of.

It looks like the chat is kept on the channel for longer purposes so it may in future be used for all our communication

At this moment just complete the registration.


If nobody knows about your online game nobody will join it. If nobody knows about your small community in an online game nobody will join that particular community.

If your creative/have a knack with words/music or can write a very funny quip.

You can start working in our marketing department. Erepublik is an online game its sold for free. Using ebay etc etc we will market eIreland as an product. Once we have baited unsuspected consumers into playing the game we will hook them onto our shores with a video/song/funny sketch or whatever. Furthermore there is ancient means called newspapers maybe an unsuspected victim can be lulled using these prehistoric tools maybe in the free ad section. Visit this site for a good time :

Whatever the method or methodology I belief that some time can be spend on marketing eIreland. with the added benefit that if the player laments after 5 years why am i still playing this GAME we can blame the marketing department for luring him to our shores.



The USA had trickle down economics

Now I thought of a baby boom and then I thought to myself who will catch all the babies being dumped on our infernal heads. Like BABY BOOM INDONESIA the babies will fall on the ground see strange knobs /see the word JUNTA and run for the hills. No we want a manageable stream of new babies. If our stream is 1 baby per day today tomorrow our stream must be 10 a day or 5 a day.


All we need to do is to go from




Our marketing department will handle this hence the reason for their creation.


The Mofa will inform us where we stand as to our foreign policy. Based on that and some ongoing training wars which we will reevaluate we will form 1 policy to apply to all MPP's. Once the policy is drawn up. We will hand it to the dictator
who will implement the policy.

FINAL POINT No mud trudging

I am not going to discuss the meaning/interpretation/applicability of rules/laws/organisations etc
-Insults directed against me personally
-Insults against the government of any person in the government be it me or whoever.
-Insults directed against my plans.
-Other general negativity that have only 1 purpose and that is to create a quagmire of discussion from which we emerge only in December. In our language we say "lam gelê" meaning figurative paralysis .

The reason is simply put it wastes so much time answering and responding to insults and infernal discussions about rules and law.

TIME we simply dont have. .

Be positive except if you go for a HIV test then be negative.

We dont need rules we need people!