[CP] Now There's Only Silence

Day 3,733, 17:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Thank you for electing me as your Country President once again. It seems like the eNetherlands doesn't lose its grip on me and the CP seat feels quite familiar again. Truth be told, I didn't initially think about running again, but many things have been left unfinished. I now have a good image of how ill-fated our future really looks, if nothing changes. Our population dropped that month from 160 to around 140. In a year time there won't be any Dutch left (except for the few hanging on the dead forum and a few that can't leave due to sunken costs in time and money).

The previous Government was, if I may say, the most active in a long time. Plenty of articles, conversations with our citizens and discussions about new proposals. Sadly, it seems to be in vain. Most articles have more replies by foreigners than by our own countrymen. Any debate is a threesome of the same old people. The MU and Country Feeds are dead silent. If it weren't for Weekstrom we'd be at rock-bottom of the weekly damage list. Instead of the respectable #40 position we traditionally held, we're at a shameful #60. If an enemy attacks us now heaven pray for Weekstrom to hold all Divisions and Air Battles, or we're toast.

There you have it: We're both dead as a military community (never our forte), but most notably as a social community as well. Despite our low numbers historically the eNetherlands has always been known for relatively big participation in media, politics and discussions. Now there are no (private) articles and talking you can only do with the dead. I know, there are just the people who want to do their daily tasks and fights. However, wouldn't that all be a massive waste of time and effort if in a few months time the collective you belong to is gone? If you do not bother, why should I, or anyone else?

Now there's are some shades of hope here and there. The new Minister of Finances eRepTrader has taken steps to make sense of our bloated financial system and has even taken steps to do something that is useful for us as a country (in-game). For example, we are now starting on a dedicated CO Fund, contact has been laid with our commune holders again (which gives us a supply of weapons) and only now we realize the damage that has been done by our lethargy (for example the 'illegal' suspension of both the supply system + Monetary Market Program). These are things I'm still looking forward to work on. I hope to run a trial for a new supply system soon, which is to be personalized according to the needs of a soldier. Want to focus on air? You need food and possibly air weapons, not tanks. Want to save up for packs? You need cc.

A Byzantine effort was needed to replace the DAF Commander with a new one (Shawtyl0w instead of Odan). In a few days time that process will be completed (whether Shawtyl0w is accepted as new commander or not) and that gives me hope we can work on such matters with fresh perspectives. Shawtyl0w has requested me to grant Odan the 'Eresabel' medal for his service to the Dutch Armed Forces. Despite my differences with Odan, I have to agree with my Minister of Defence on this. While more and more people are abandoning our cause, Odan has been maintaining our few remaining functioning institutions.

I, NoTie112, President of the eNetherlands, hereby award Odan the Eresabel for extraordinary contribution to the Armed Forces of the eNetherlands, for at least one year, within the Dutch Armed Forces.

I request the forum administration to hand out this medal as soon as possible. Also, I re-re-request to the forum administration to send the message I have written to all dead players' forum/email account. A request I have done over 30 days ago. I understand there were some problems with sending so many messages, but letting our eCountry wait that long while it's slowly dying? Yeah.. Idk about that. The clock is ticking and with every less bit of people and activity we have here less people while stay playing this game after returning!

I have heard many complaints about the forum over the last few years. I'm no fan of it either (although that has come by time, as I have over 3000+ posts during my earlier years in this game). I have proposed changes or either the total abandonment of the forum. I have seen (almost) no support in working on this with me. I get a feeling that people are just not interested in coming together and working on our country at all, be it on the forum or in-game. You need to step-up your game if you want things to change. Nevertheless I will continue working as much as possible in-game and use the forum only for the absolute legal required things.

By the way, here is the Government for this month. Nothing has changed except for the addition of Jordic (who is not that active, but has valuable opinions and contacts).

Country President: NoTie112
Ministry of Defense & Foreign Affairs: Shawtyl0w & Jordic69
Ministry of Finance: eRepTrader
Ministry of Recruitment: Gwom

To Conclude;TLDR; Show a sign of life, pick up your working shoes and work for your country, or in a matter of time it'll be gone and it was all for nothing. I'm not writing articles every week for my own self-gratification after all.

Kind regards,
Your Country President NoTie112