[CP] November Team 2016

Day 3,276, 03:13 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

I'd like to officially give you your government for this term:

CP: Arcanic Mindje
VP: shawtyl0w

mofa: Henri XI
vmofa: Jordic69 & Fiona LNX

mo😛 Shawtylow
vmo😛 flo rida20

moi: Gwom

mof: odan

moha: odan

We will be continuing our TW with Norway this month but at the moment it is on temporary pause! Trondelag is being RWed back to Norway as requested.
Dutch Air Force Program

An ambitious project set up by the Ministry of Defence which would be key to strengthen our Pilots after the recent implemented update. This project is designed to help low level and young citizens to fight in air battles by providing packages for health especially if they do not own any food companies.


Arcanic Mindje
Country President of the eNetherlands