[CP] Canadian political Update (Day 2191)

Day 2,191, 11:45 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Good day everyone.. Just my luck it seems the game is completely changing during my term...

For those that arent in the know.. The game is quickly changing to make it so the more powerful countries are getting gimped to hell.. Or at least their power to dominate is being nurfed to high heavens.

Some reading material.

When a region is kept under foreign occupation, the people’s determination to overthrow the oppressors increases over time. This leads to a Determination Bonus that multiplies the influence in battles against the oppressor.

Determination Bonus

- When a Resistance War is started, the influence of each soldier fighting for the resistance is multiplied with the Determination Bonus.

- Influence represents your impact on the Domination Bar in battles. The Determination Bonus only multiplies your Influence, NOT your Damage and Rank Points. In other words, players will still contribute the same amount of damage for their True Patriot or Battle Hero medals, but their influence against the opposing side is bigger.


As well as the email a lot of us have gotten today...


It seems like the game is handing us our country back on a silver platter.. Not only that.. But with cheese,bacon,fries,beer,a corvette.. Plus anything we want..

I cannot see a long term wipe as a realistic situation any longer.. Even if we DID get wiped.. We would start climbing up the Determination chart until everyone has a 400% multiplier on our enemy.
"Please check here to see what influence does for us http://erep.root.se/ "

Sadly since eSpain is not holding our lands atm we wont start with that nice boost but at least we know we can play without much worry at this time. Perhaps even go on the offence more and try to become a empire lol.

So In lue to the changing game and the eGov is changing as well.
We have to adapt and do whats best for eCan.

If eSpain would like to rent some of our land for CAD then we can discuss that. But the free ride is over. The eGov is embracing these new game changes and we are firmly planting our foot down to say "No more". We now hold the cards and we now will enjoy our freedom absolute.

Thank you
CP Oinyo