¿Como descubrí erepublik?||How I discovered erepublik?

Day 3,250, 18:41 Published in Cuba Mexico by Percy Jackson.

Todo comenzo en un agosto del 2012, estaba navegando en internet en mis momentos de aburrimiento, asi que encontre un video que no recuerdo cual era pero es de HolaSoyGerman, asi que revise las cajas de comentarios y encontre ese link de erepublik, pero no le tome importancia, asi que dije ñe, pero justo cuando iba a cerrar mi ventana hubo un corto circuito en mi casa. Me dio un ataque recalcitrante de ira, y simplente grite, justo en ese momento me fui a caminar un rato en la calle, pasaron 3 horas para que regresara en mi casa y ya habian restablesido la electricidad, decidi encender la computadora, y las ventanas de mi navegador firefox se podian restablecer pero como estaba extremadamente aburrido abri el video de HolaSoyGerman donde me habia quedado terminando de ver el video decidi cer la descripcion del video y estaba todavia ese link que me habia llamado la atencion, asi que me dije yo mismo ¿Que podria salir mal? lo abri y vi por primera vez en mi vida la ventana de erepublik donde tenia que registrarme, me registre en mi cuenta de gmail, cuando empeze a jugarlo realmente me aparecio aburrido, aparte que en ese tiempo habia toque de queda en mi pais de la vida real, me olvide por unos años de este juego, hasta que en este 2016 empeze a volverlo a jugar, pero con esta cuenta donde publico este articulo pues en mi primera cuenta hice la petición de banearlo.

It all started on August 1, 2012, I was surfing the internet in my moments of boredom, so I found a video that does not remember what it was but is HolaSoyGermán, so check boxes comments and found that link erepublik, but not him take importance, so I said ñe, but just as I was closing my window was a short circuit in my house. He gave me a stubborn rage, and simplente yell, just then I went for a walk on the street, it took three hours to return to my home and had already restablesido electricity, decided to turn on the computer, and windows my firefox browser could restore but as it was extremely boring abri video HolaSoyGermán where I had been finished watching the video I decided cer the description of the video and was still that link that had caught my attention, so I told myself What could go wrong? I opened it and saw for the first time in my life window erepublik where I had to register, register me in my gmail account, when I started to play really appeared bored apart at that time was a curfew in my country of real life, forget me for a few years of this game, in this 2016 until I started playing again, but this account where I publish this article because in my first account I made the request to ban them.

Throughout this time I have met some great new people, some funny and a handful but not both, and some of what I've learned in this game is patience. As with effort and dedication you can achieve great things. Thank you for your attention friends.

Sorry for my English because I use translator.