[Advance] LucasFTM for CP of eSwitzerland!

Day 2,351, 19:09 Published in Switzerland Lithuania by Walen II

Dear citizens of eSwitzerland,

In recent days I thought and rethought the situation of our country, always believe there are solutions to any problems, I believe that change is possible. In October 2013 you believed in me, believed in change, and we made the change happen. Unfortunately several of our projects have been ignored by governments that followed, and today I believe we should again fix what was destroyed. That's why starting today I ask you to believe me once more to change this nation. Yeah! I'm running for president of the Swiss Confederation officially by Advance and request support of other parties! The hope to a better nation is the last to die.

Today our country is humiliated even by our allies because of our weaknesses. We are a laughingstock out there.We are arrears in relation to other countries. We are a country, geographically underdeveloped. But we can change that! CHANGE, that's the word! The will is yours, the will is mine, the will to change is ours. Are the citizens who do a better country, and my government will focus on you, the people of Switzerland, unlike many other governments have focused on international relations and neglected its own population. I'm so, I put my country first, second comes the other, Switzerland will be always my priority.

In the next days I will publish my proposals.
It's time to change, innovate and move forward.

Party President of Advance;
Commander of the Swiss National Army.