Wild Australia

Day 2,296, 01:44 Published in Australia Australia by Guagature

This is a story currently making headlines in Australia about a snake eating a crocodile.


Now crocodiles around the North West Queensland area do grow quite large and if you head 400km from Mt Isa to a place called "The Gregory" which is a popular fresh water system that many people camp and fish for Barramundi you will find up to 8 foot Salt water crocodiles.

Saltwater crocodile

Freshwater crocodile, aaawwww isn't he cute

Wait!! You said salt water crocs in fresh water? Yes, these large salt water crocs do come down about 100-200km sometimes even more from the gulf into the fresh water areas.

Farmers around these areas will leave their cattle if they are stuck besides the water as it is safer to leave the cattle rather than be taken by a croc themselves.

I have personally seen 12 foot crocs in fresh water areas, along with once stalked by an approximate 8 foot croc whilst fishing from a bank at Normanton. I can tell you when you know they are watching you, your butthole starts pucking pretty quickly and you don't think about what you are doing but just wanting to get out of there.

Now pictures can be deceiving along with what the press want you to believe.

1 metre they say? Well it is not unlikely to have a 1 metre crocodile in the local lake in Mount Isa. Hell they can upto 1.8mtr out there!

The big question is, would you not knowing what is the truth and what has been stretched.

Would you still swim in that local lake??