Why the AFA is wrong..

Day 2,052, 06:45 Published in USA USA by Ldwamego

My first article, so feedback is welcome.

For many who are new to the eUS the AFA seems like a logical party to start with. It is a top five party, with a patriotic theme and a charismatic leader who knows how to manipulate naïve people. Unfortunately for the eUS, the AFA does a very effective job of using propaganda to further their ends. As an undergrad, I studied political science as my minor and learned a great deal about how propaganda is an effective tool for those who want to effect change, for ill or good, in their society.
In regards to the AFA, they tend to use two common propaganda techniques that you should all be aware of:

“Oligarchy” & “Elitists”
In most of the AFA articles you will see the words “elitist” and “Oligarchy”. This is called pinpointing, and is used to separate a specific group of people from the mainstream to make them appear the enemy. In the eUSA, the AFA are trying to paint the top five parties as elitist so that the majority of eAmericans will feel confrontational to them. They are trying to take a complex problem, such as their attempted PTO, and simply it to make appear as though it is simply an “us” (common eAmerican) versus the “oligarchy/elitists” (Top five parties).

“Defending Freedom”
Draped in their American flags and pictures of other symbols of the United States, the AFA uses glittering generalities to hide their intentions. For example, the AFA writers often say that they are defending our democracy or our freedom. Who can argue that these are bad things? What they don’t say is that they will accomplish this by giving us the freedom to live under eSerbian dominance and have that our democracy will be overwhelmingly controlled by eSerbians or other TWO members. They never really go into details about how allowing other nations to PTO the eUSA will lead to freedom or democracy.

Please think twice about falling for propaganda. Instead look at the message being presented and educate yourself. In the case of the AFA, don’t just read the words; instead look past them at their intent. Ignore buzz words such as “oligarchy”, “elitists”, and “defending freedom” and read all of their articles. It is easy to see that they simply want to take over so that they can have “democracy” on their terms. Oh, and so that RGR can finally have that CP trophy he has always wanted.