What does the UK need?

Day 2,687, 05:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rory Winterbourne II

Due to Wayne’s totalitarian rule we’re left with a million quid unaccounted for and a dieing political scene. The eUK needs a dictator to help stop a foreign takeover as the 400k cost helps deter any MU’s wanting to try. This idea was passed by Congress pre-Wayne and the CP was supposed to be given title of dictator along with all in-game powers.

What do we need now? A dictator that we can trust to follow Congress and the CP’s direction. Who better than our actual King, Mr Woldy himself. Instead of someone doing as they please we could have someone who will only follow congress and the CP’s direction.

I propose you support our King in becoming dictator as soon as this current revolution is over. Congress or better still a national referendum can decide on whether to change this afterwards and put the next CP as dictator, and you can count on Woldy to actually act on it.

100k has been put in Funky Militia's account, and Woldy has been made Commander, if you support this idea (and have some spare cash) join and donate. If the required amount is not gained in time for someone to PTO us then you will be reimbursed.

Act now before we get taken over.

For the King!