We are back in the game Canada!

Day 2,193, 15:00 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Now that the effects of the determination bonus and freedom medals are being seen on the battlefield I cannot help but be happy for us. 8 month long wipes appear to be a thing of the past. A wipe is now like a putting a lid on a kettle, the pressure builds and builds until even a small country explodes out of its containment. Before these changes, wipes were like smothering a country to death.

Like Oinyo’s wife has been trying to tell him, size does not matter. Being in the biggest alliance does not guarantee you a free ride any more. Even the largest nations will have difficulty holding down more than 1 nation at a time. Holding 2 or 3 and fighting a direct war at the same time looks to be impossible.

For the first time in over a year I feel we are free to play the game again without having to walk on egg shells.

One thing eCanada has been very good at is quickly adjusting to the changes in the game.

When the worker tax was brought in, as quickly as we could, we went to being a low tax jurisdiction. We ended the idea of taxing everyone so the few could benefit. We ended direct army or MU funding. Instead we recognized that another new feature was the future. The combat orders. We recognized that funds for combat orders were the way countries would win wars in the future.

When I look around us I see nations that have failed to adapt. They are still playing a version of the game from 6 months ago or even last week. The ability to adapt quickly is paramount. Ignoring the changes makes your country an unattractive destination for your number one asset as a nation, players.

Your Canada is now back in the game. Your CPF congress team will continue working constructively with like minded members of congress to make eCanada better. We will adapt as the game changes and accept any good idea regardless of where and who it comes from.

Vote for your CPF congress team and let us get back in the game.


Exalted Druid
CPF Congressman

On a serious side note from real life, I will be accepting CASH donations to the, Rob Ford re-election fund at this time. I am in direct contact with Mr. Ford’s dealer..... I mean campaign manager, who assures me Mr. Ford needs cash. Thank you! God Bless.