Wake up!

Day 1,705, 02:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by micutzu

The congress elections is approaching ... again and again. And again the question: Who I vote for?
Every election rise this question with rises debates and rumours (again and again).
The frequency of the "again" can be so annoying for a simple citizen, who doesn't have the time to spend to read all articles, to chat on irc, and pardon me, is someone who doesn't know, how hard can be when RL things ask for more attention?
But the outrage appears when the chosen one (even if we talk about party, country presidency, congress ...) does not fulfill even 20% of the promised.
I read these days an article of a newcommer, who candidate for a congress seat with an arrogance that I rarely met.
Pleople must know for whom are votes. Pleople must vote first their own and pure leaders. Ireland is a small country and will not be the first time when is a weak target in elections, common, every newcommer with some "friends" can win a seat.

So, irish fellows, don't forget 2 things:
~ IRELAND will exist until the last man die!
~ Don't sell yourself and this beautiful country!