Vote for Sir Rex for PP

Day 1,910, 05:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Hi my name is Rex, also known as billdelf. I have returned to UKRP and Erepublik after missing the political side of the game so dearly. There is no other game that is anywhere close to eRepublik, so I decided to come back YAY!

Bit about yours truly
I have been on and off the game since 2009. During my time on the game I got involved with the MoHA 2 times, mainly helping new players and volunteering to set up new systems that allowed new members to get free food and support from the moment they clicked ‘sign up’. I have been a captain of the UKRP Hydra 5 times in a row, successfully fighting Ireland and taking a lot of land. I have been a member of the UKRP for 4 years now and over that time I have been supporting Thomas and Appleby.

My intentions
Unlike Thomas, I prefer not to have a small-knit group but I want UKRP to be the first thing new members see on their screens. UKRP, in my eyes, should allow newer members to take more responsible roles in the party so they can get the political experience that is needed to succeed in erepublik and its forums. Newer members are asked to join but then not given any reason to stay as made apparent by my IRL friends.

Party Groups
UKRP should be decentralized with a leader for each area, for example:

This group should have a list of new members and should be messaging them and persuading them to join. They should also be making funny comics and pictures, which would be advertised by the UKRP and in return the comics will advertise the UKRP.

Recruitment should create a new system where if you refer your friends to UKRP then you will be rewarded in some way (something small but would build up if they got enough new members to join). The entire party should be trying to convert others and this should be made apparent to them.

CP Election council
This group of 2 or 3 would be experienced members, who would look carefully out our opposition and our own party and decide whether it would be beneficial to have our own candidate or to support another. If we were to support another we would ask for a favour in return, for example support in the next elections. Any CP candidate will have to message a leader when the correct forum post is brought out, with an explanation of why they should be nominated.

Congress Election Council
A post will be sent out on the forums asking for any members who would want to become congress candidates. These members names will be put in a document along with their experience level, after this work is done the council will carefully decide where each member should be placed. Placings will vary depending on the experience level of the candidate. Each candidate will be asked to create a short manifesto for why they should be elected. Voters who want to help our party will go on to the party channel and will be told where to vote. They will also be given a free trip there.

I know I’m lacking in experience but I believe that this game is just like IRL and that even if you had level 500 you still might not be as good at politics as a level 10. That is why I am for newer members getting more jobs, even if their jobs are small like sending messages out or volunteering for recruitment. Remember the kids are our future!

This has been Sir Rex and thank you for listening!