Vote CPF if you support your allies- Vote CW & MDP if you support Spain &TWO

Day 2,136, 10:58 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Vote CPF if you support your allies, CW, MDP & IPC if you support Spain & TWO

The Message could not be clearer from the leader of the MDP and recent TWO citizen. Leo Balzac.

Who is the real PTO'er, the guy who fought and served Canada from our ally the USA or the guy who lived with and fought for the enemy?

Do not vote for parties who are members of the Unholy Trilogy if you support eCanada's current allies.

All the CPF is asking is you allow eCanada to serve out the 3 month trial period in CoT. The damage caused by reversal at this point would be devastating to our foreign policy no matter what you think about CoT.

Vote CPF if you support eCanada. This is no time to hold with party loyalties.

Thank you for reading and considering my words.

Exalted Druid
CPF congressmen VP of eCanada
Supporter of CoT