Unity Congress Update.

Day 2,959, 06:40 Published in United Kingdom Argentina by James Radcliff

Season's Greeting one and all,
First off I hope everyone enjoyed the festive fun,and a massive thank you to all British players who took the time to vote,for all parties in the latest congress election's.

As Neil Lewis has stopped doing the election report this was the final turnout,

UKRP gain two extra seats well done,TUP gained one,UKPP stayed the same,ESO and BDP lost seats.BDP losing the most and they didn't have enough runners.I don't know about the Workers Rights Party and other parties,if someone could add that to the comments I would be grateful.

Our party reached our goal for fifty votes so we are pleased with a total of ten congressmen,jointed tied with the honourable UKRP party.We also welcome two new members into congress this term,I would like to introduce David Prydain http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/7378850 and Mr Brilliant http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8827281 please add both of these new congressman,and could both please add our fine speaker FightAndProduce http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/6880505.

I hope we can have a productive month and congress doesn't turn into a free for all.

Next Stop is President elections and I invite our party to start having open discussions now to determine our selection for January's elections .

Unity Wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

My word of the day is Old Aug Syne.

