Try as We Can

Day 2,231, 05:53 Published in Malaysia Thailand by wonkjhon
Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Good morning, afternoon, evening, whenever you read this.

Our country political temperature have been flaring up, this should describe that we are a dynamic community. But some citizen feel bored and thinking to quit the game, whats wrong with us?
May we need a pleasant and fun community, that accepts all our shortcomings and can make us smile.
We will try,,,,

We all know that our sovereignty being trampled, our Foreign Affairs in a mess, yahhhhh,,,, because we are sandwiched (you know sandwich 😛) between two powerful neighbors mutually aligned each other, its hard to get a glory, we can only try to survive.
Try,,,,and Try,,,

Yeah, Try,,,Try,,,,and Try....

