The truth about president s.t.g

Day 1,790, 04:37 Published in Russia Bulgaria by kevvek

The current eRussian president is a member of the Communist Party, namely s.t.g. Personally, I believe he has good qualities regarding leadership and decisions, but there is one doubt; should he belong to the communist party, or should he even be an eRussian citizen?

LINK to s.t.g's profile

As it can be seen in his profile, pussy-faced (literally) s.t.g describes himself as "The last Kaiser of eRussia.". This goes against all things that a member of the Communist Party should be, and calling himself a Kaiser (German Emperor) is not appropriate for any Russian citizen.

Wikipedia link to "Kaiser"

First and foremost the Communist ideology is clearly against the bourgeoisie or any other royalist things, and preaches equality among the people. Therefore calling oneself a Czar/Kaiser/King and being in a Communist Party is not really the prefect match.

The second weird fact about our president calling himself a Kaiser is that he is one of the few Russians with no anti-German feeling regarding both World Wars. This does not mean I am judging the Germans in eRepublik, but what about reality? Wasn't it the Germans who sent our country into economical crisis? Weren't the Germans who killed 20 million Russians in World War 2 alone? Weren't the Germans who raped our women, plundered our land and killed our fathers?

Now what I am mentioning above happened ages ago, but if one digs deep in any Russian's heart, a hidden hatred can be found for these invaders. Back to s.t.g, I conclude with these two questions:

1) Is he really a communist?
2) Should he be the one who rules eRussia?

Thanks for reading!
GLORY TO RUSSIA! (by: Comrade Kevvek)