The New Quizera - Results

Day 2,403, 12:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ser Fartsalot

Hello everyone,

The winners of the last round are Tiger Style and Robin Redcap. They will get 1000 GBP each. As no other players from eUK tried to guess this week's match results, no additional prizes will be given.

The overall standings:

Paul Tyndale - 2 points

Robin Redcap - 2 points

Tiger Style - 1 point

As the participation in the last Round was totally weak (only two of you participated), I've decided to bring an end to New Quizera. So the overall winners for this month are Paul and Robin and they will share 50 gold prize (25 gold each).

If you have any idea or suggestion on types of games, quizes you'd like to see, leave a comment or suggestion. Something good will be coming as soon as New Era gets a new name and image. Until then, I'll be leaving prizes on the party feed.

Thanks to everyone who appreciated the effort put into this,

Ser Fartsalot