The Myth of CP Power, Netherlands, Energy Drive

Day 2,213, 15:49 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The Myth of CP Power:

Without the support of congress the CP has next to no power. There seems to be some citizens who think I have some kind of dictatorial powers. All I get is a couple extra buttons and only 1 vote after I push one of them. 99% of my buttons are exactly the same as any congressman’s.

I have not even had this position a week yet, but now I’m somehow responsible for every act congress ever passed, every treated ever signed. Even the ones I voted NO on in the first place.

If we are not going to be on the same team and respect the democratic process then why are we even pretending? Why are parties ignoring the processes and rules that we are pretending to play by? Processes they are fully engaged in, on our countries forums.

If you are against the process, then do not run candidates for congress. Do not pretend to be against the process and at the same time participate in it.

I did not create the game. I did not create congress. I did not pass any legislation on my own.

If the MDP or others wish to quit the process, then stop pretending your part of it, and walk away. Resign your positions and stop running in the future. You know where the resign button is. Go push it.

If you wish to continue as part of our team and our process, and change a treaty, or a law, then make a motion in congress where it can be debated and voted on.

Either respect it, or walk away. Push the resign button.


Their position in their home regions is not at all secure. They have a treaty that may not be renewed. Congress has given these people our word. Based on our word these people spent a very considerable amount of money to carry out an Air Strike. This is not something we should just laugh about, and screw them over because you want to be part of the cool crowd and have some fun. You’re not hurting me, you’re hurting our allies.

Don’t think all our allies are not watching. Our time of need will come. Will we be worthy?

The Great Canadian Energy Drive:

The gun chamber is empty, so let’s load the gun.

eCanada is 3.2 million energy short of the energy required to launch an airstrike. This would cost approximately $150,000.00 CC to fund from the treasury. If we funded the Air Strike from the treasury we would have next to nothing left for the actual war.

An Air Strike opportunity can come up very quickly so let us load our gun now.

Please donate your excess energy/food here.


Having a great time as CP. Next time I’m hoping Rylde runs. He has got my vote and I will be just as supportive. Screw the establishment. Screw the man.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid
CP eCanada