The Daily Routine - First Few Months after you feel like Giving Up!

Day 2,718, 23:39 Published in India Bulgaria by Rid07


This is a brief article on how one must thrive in Erepublik as an eIndian for the first few months. I am covering the very basics- I am also assuming a brief knowledge of other aspects of Erepublik like train/companies and such.

Task 1 :
First thing to do after logging in is to go to the Training section and train for +5 Strength. I would also recommend 0.19G to train for +2.5 Strength but that is a last resort- NEVER waste Golds on extra training or such.
Gold is the most important thing in Erepublik.

Task 2 :
Second thing is to go to your Companies and work in both your Companies as well as your employers Company. After completing this, you will have a few FRM/WRM to sell. put them on the market. This is your source of Revenue.

Task 3 :
Now go to home page and collect Reward for Working and Training. Atleast for a few months until your Strength is not above 100, I strongly advise you NOT to Fight. I will explain why. The way the game works is the amount of damage you do is related to your Rank, Weapon, Strength amongst other things. Unless your Strength is not good enough, you will never gain enough Exp points to Level Up and hence will reach a Plateau- Stagnant. Also, Fighting consumes Energy which is made using Food which you need Money for. so,


Thus, if Fighting is not helping you level up and not making you any money its a waste.
PS : This is for those like me who got carried away and levelled up to 20 with 0 G and O Currency.

Task 4 :
Network. Join some Military Unit, or some Party(DPI). Talk to Senior Members for help and such. Invest in Companies that make to money like FRM/WRM- they will continue to make you money for a long time. Use your gold to upgrade your Training Ground.

P.S : If you must fight do so for eIndia, will help you with the True Patriot.
Best of luck!

Jai Hind!