Political Disunity

Day 2,992, 18:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James W Yorkchester

We at The London Globe are writing once again from London. I am writing this article in some very dark times. French soldiers have conquered our great nation, we are blaming each other for every single problem that faces us, and we are having inter party squabbles as we speak. I think that it's about time we came together and face the Frenchies. We are only aiding them by fighting among ourselves. Complete your CO's, aid in RW's, put into the economy and help your fellow Englishmen or else you're just helping the enemy. The Frenchies are raking in money well spent in CO's

Person making it rain- eFrance
Dancer- CO orders

Remember these three points:
Don't be stupid, play it smart. Don't support the enemy, fight 'em

Join The Unity Party, were they are trying to fix this nation.

And don't play casually, get in there. Make a difference in eUK.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope that it gives you some support in these very difficult and hard times in eUK. If you would like to formally put your opinion on matters in the eUK please fill out this form


The London Globe