Poland fights back

Day 2,586, 07:49 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Gracek90

As one of the very first citizens of eNigeria and former citizen of ePoland I should write something about present situation on the political area. I have to admit, that I had a long break in eRepublik (about two months) and I was shocked that ePoland (which one was very strong country), dissapeared from the map. It is kinda ironic if we take into consideration the fact, that such thing happened in Real World. Anyway I am more than Happy to announce, that ePoland is trying to fight back with Argentina. Together with Slovakia, we will be able to reclaim our old land. As one of the strong supporters of the Resistance War I want to share with my eNigerian brothers, about the information on the warlines. After all, what is more interesting than war. Thus, from today I am going to write short raports, about current events. I hope that one day, ePoland and eNigeria will form a strong friendship. Untill this day, I will see you guys, on the next articles.