Intervju sa predsjednikom ePerua SirJohanom

Day 2,093, 06:50 Published in Croatia Cyprus by Ivan je Car 2

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

SirJohan-i was born in ER in 2012, when i entered in the game Peru didn’t exist in the map... I formed a group in a MU, first a Regiment, and then we founded a MU, CCH. Actually this MU is Top 1 in Peru, i was the creator when i was division 2 only. then i created a Partido Militar Peruano and actually it’s the Top 2 Party of Peru. 🙂

Both creations form the recent leaders on Peru, in military and politics. I was the commander of CCH in the past and President Party of PMP, but then.. i gave it to my friends.. UM and Party.. to continue my work. I Never participated in a CP election before, and when i was Party President, i never ran for congress or CP... This month is my first election and i won. And i’m here as CP of Peru. 😃

2.What do you think about eCroatia?

SirJohan-In May, my friend Gary Karl Paredes was the CP, and i help him in his gov. And i suggested him to sign a MPP with Croatia. I contacted with MoFa Atea then, and i obtained the mpp, actually i see croatians fighting for peru and that makes me very happy. Croatia is a good friend, and i hope our Countries can become closer in time. 🙂

3.Have you ever fought for or against eCroatia?

SirJohan-I hope one day Peru can help a Croatia too, Against No, in the past when i was a baby only one time when Croatia menaced Indonesia and Chile (Chile were in Australia then) But i never fought againts Croatia. For Croatia yes last weeks when Serbia lost a lot of RW i fought for Croatia to recuperate the originals lands

4.What country is the biggest enemy of ePeruvian people?

SirJohan- ePeruvian people thinks the biggest enemy is Argentina right now, they are the biggest enemy of our close friends Chile, Brazil and Paraguay.

5. I see Peru has only 3 region,are you and your people planing to expend more,win more region?

SirJohan-When i was elected, Peru didn’t exist in the map... was erased and lost all battles.. with Colombia and Argentina... Both enemies divided our regions. My promise of gov, was to liberate our country. This is my great goal, to Liberate and protect the regions.

6.What are you planing in the future,when your president election expires?

SirJohan- To help my friends again, Help Gary my president party, help my MU commander EBM.. and help my country whenever it requires me..

7.I saw that you were a Bulgarian citizen to?

SirJohan-Yes when i was a baby Bulgaria came to my continent to freed us and chile
and in this moment i apreciate a lot Bulgaria, and I want help us in the battles
they did an airstrike attack to Bolivia, in order to fight against Argentina, Flausino was the CP at the time..

8.What are your relations with eCroatia president Thanatos the Magnificent ?

Are you angry with me that he has a long name?
SirJohan-yes he has a long name, I never talked with him but i would like to help if he needs me one day or need help from my country!

In my country we have a citizen with a long name too ... my mentor Angel Vengador Caligula but we call him only A-V-C haha

-IvanjeCar2- yes i should create a nickname for him to

9.For the end what message do you send for eCroatia?

SirJohan-Thanks for the help that they always give us.. tell them that Peru is a loyal ally, with honor. For the most people we may be a small country but i think we are a big nation ready to fight for our brothers ally when they need us. And if eCroatia one day wants to send an airstrike they can come here to Sudamerica we help to arrive in Colombia xD Its only a Joke 😃


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