I voted for Ishamael Naeblis

Day 1,724, 16:26 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Dear Mr President

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on becoming Country President (CP) of ePakistan. Congratulations on starting the long awaited food program and educational program.

I have always believed that you are a competent person and have supported you since you became a citizen of ePakistan.

Having said that, I am a bit concerned about the lack of communication from your administration regarding recent events that have unfolded. Perhaps it is important to remind you that CP's are elected directly by the people and they have an obligation to inform the citizens of ePakistan on important updates.

Mr President, at the time of writing this letter to you; it has been 9 hours since Iran proposed Pakistan as a Natural Enemy.
There has been no official statement from the MoFA regarding this proposal neither yourself, as a citizen of ePakistan I really have no idea what is going on, what I should be doing if anything at all.

6 hours ago you renewed the MPP with USA and 3 hours ago you proposed Iran as our natural enemy. I can only assume that we should be getting ready for war but have still not heard anything officially.

Mr President, I am not worried about the NE proposal and I have full confidence in you and your team that you will see Pakistan through this unexpected turmoil, however I would like to remind you that 41 people and myself took the time to vote for you. I cannot speak on behalf of the 41 people but I am extremely frustrated with your lack of communication. Pakistanis of all levels have the right to know, what is happening and it is your duty and obligation to inform us in a timely and appropriate manner.

This letter is intended to remind you that there are people who put in a lot of effort to get you where you are today and you owe them an explanation. It is also to remind you that whilst you are CP every action or decision you make must be communicated to the people. You won the elections unopposed which speaks volumes in the trust people have bestowed in you.

Do not disappoint us

I look forward to hearing from your administration at the earliest so I can prepare myself in the upcoming battle.

Yours Sincerely
