History of eNorth Korea

Day 2,822, 13:28 Published in North Korea USA by Altina Mel Sylphis

I didnt write for a week,first of all because not many people read here anything so writing too much is pointless. The second reason is I did some research about history of eNK and to give the most accurate view I needed time to make sure to read lot of material before forming a view about the past.

But due to popular demand I will only do a short review also in the future I will only write NK, and wont include the e part,everybody knows that I talk about eNK anyway.
1, North Korea was founded by Drago, it was part of Eden alliance
2, NK had very strong economy and generally can say the golden age of NK
3, Due to differences Russia tried to TO NK
4, First was unsuccessfull but later Russia taken control of NK and made into a puppet state, it was governed by KasedY through 8 month period
5, Most of NK population fleed or died during that period
6, In the end the few remaining one asked for help of China
7, With the help of chinese, the russian TO was defeated
8, Due to inactivity of others, chinese become the most dominant in the NK, giving many great people to NK
9, Today we live in a secure NK, with a strong lead who protect our NK from Take Overs

This pretty much sums it all, and I guess I did this history lesson a justice, with the shortest possible way.