Foreigner tank fights for eSingapore!

Day 1,096, 14:25 Published in Singapore Hungary by Citiizen 2211421

Dear eSingaporeans!

2 days before, I read an article from Jelly in what he declared war against eSingapore and called it as a merger. Don’t believe him!
I saw when Slovakia wanted to create Czechoslovakia and that was bad. All they said was just like “It is not a war, it is a merger and we both want the same”. But we didn’ want the same. We fought as hard as we can and finally, we fred ourselves. This should be the future for eSingapore!

You may not have good economy, you may be lack of workers or you may be weak-I’m not clear with your situation as it was long time ago when I followed eSingapore’s everyday life. But now, I decided to come to your country and help you. As my strength is above 1100, I’m not one of the strongest in the game, but some battles can depend on me. That is why I am here. I welcome every encouraging comment and every cents of money-it’s not so cheap to fight 🙂

If someone decides to send me money, I will write his name and the amount into that article so everyone would know, who every eSingaporean should say thanks.
References: Battle No.7 in Sarawak RW, when it was me who hit the battle into winning 🙂
Thedark can prove it 😉

McAtis, aka Re_Niew(my old character’s name, some of you may know it)