Foreign Affairs: Policies and Plans [RS4CP]

Day 2,401, 04:51 Published in India Egypt by Real Steel 4

First of all thanks for this:

The President of YUUVA India has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections

The President of Jasky is God has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections.

Today I would like to define my Foreign affairs policy for my term.

As pointed earlier there won't be any specific and demarcated head of any Department or Ministry. Every player is equal in terms of power.

The structural organisation of Department would be appointed by the Polit bureau and announced erstwhile.

My Foreign policy shall be short and sweet:

1. Stand on with our brothers:

Our first and foremost prio is to be loyal with our oldest brothers in this e-world i.e BULGARIA.

2. No swithching sides:

eIndia will be clear on it's foreign relations and show full-on loyalty with our friends and shall never try to swith sides.

3. Keep on the FIGHT alongside AURORA!!! :

Aurora Countries are one of the few countries who still are ready to support a small country like ours and we will return the favour in all way possible. This is a proven fact in the e-world when we saw a generous effort by our friend IRELAND to provide congress to South Korea. AURORA has been kind on the indian front and we shall make complete efforts and try our best to enter into the alliance as a trial member. REMEMBER we were mentioned in the interview of the previous SG of AURORA so never lose hope.

4. Search out for new allies!!:

eIndia has always concentrated on the conventional allies but never managed to channel in potential allies. A stern policy of "Enemy of our enemy is a friend" shall be taken up and experimented with to yield positive results for both the countries.

"As our occupiers increase, friends should also proportionally increase"

5. Disciplined and regularised Foreign affairs team:

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment---Jim Rohn

To be sucessfull in any endeavor we need to have a disciplined team of dedicated individuals who shall look upon the Foreign affairs. It shall have a "nominal" head who shall represent the team! They shall co-ordinate with the MoD for daily prios and joint strikes!!!

6. Mutual Protection Pacts:

India clearly in the recent times has been lacking the stack of MPP's it used to have earlier.

But as PhantomMKD one of my dearest friends says:

"MPP's won't matter when the relation between both our countries is something more than that"

We shall try our best not to strain our treasury to sign many MPP's but the ones which matter to eIndia, not for damage but to bond true friend together.

7. Creation of Department of Immigration:

A separate Dept. shall be set up to look over the intake of the foreign nationals. A charter will soon be set to define the conditions to avail eIndian citizenship. Fighters from the allied countries will be evaluated and jottted into our community to enhance our military capabilities.
Provisions which shall be provided for the Foreign affairs team:

1. A dedicated Channel to manage the talks.

2. A separate budget and newspaper--- An org. will be provided to look up to that.

3. Full fledged freedom to represent eIndia to their respective nations.

This is in short the proposed foreign policy that the polit bureau would like to follow up if voted on to power!!

Following this article I would be releasing series of policy related articles so stay tuned!!!


Real Steel 4
Country President nominee.