Feels Like Home.

Day 2,929, 13:19 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Nyx Lynx

I've traveled a great deal since I left my home.

Seen a few revolutions, helped a few revolutions, and fought against many who tried to take power illegitimately.

It's been fun. But it's now time to come home, put my experience and learning to work; help the interests of the eNation I love. I believe that ePakistan has some interesting opportunities in this eWorld, which is a very different place than it was when I went on my travels. I am hopeful I can help us take advantage of these changes and prepare for the next phase of ePakistans future. An exciting future, when we take our rightful place as a leading force in the eWorld.

I look forwards to hearing your ideas, breaking bread and working out together how we can grow.

Yours, always,
