Constant reduction in Salaries: an economic crisis?

Day 1,883, 09:17 Published in Russia Bulgaria by kevvek

When I first became a citizen in eRussia, in October 6 2012, the salary I used to have was that of 32 RUB. As time passed the salaries have continuously became lower and lower until the maximum salary today is the small amount of 12 RUB as the following picture shows (dated day 1,833):

I am not an economist myself, but these figures can mean one of the following two things:

The previous higher salaries were taken by employees and the employers could not afford to offer new jobs with the same salary. So the 30 RUB salary still exists but is being paid to the few who have it and is no longer available in the job market.


The salaries which were higher were adjusted and reduced to lower salaries according to the ones being offered in the job market. Therefore if the salaries in the job market were reduced by 10 to become 20 RUB, the higher salaries new also adjusted to 20 RUB.

The outcome of this is that people hesitate to but new items from the marketplace and our weapons industry will definitely not benefit from this situation.

The solution can only be one: increase the minimum salary. Currently it is a shameful 5.00 RUB as the following shows (from: eRussia: Administration)

So, comrade and President Antropophag and all Congress members: what shall be done about this situation? Will the minimum salary be increased to at least 10 RUB?

GLORY BE TO RUSSIA! (by: Comrade Kevvek)