Congress Elections Dec-Jan 2010-2011

Day 1,126, 09:00 Published in Belgium Belgium by Critically

Hello readers,

In this article I announce that I will run for Congress Dec-Jan.


As you know, I am member of the BCP and like I ever said, I want that the BCP become the biggest party of eBelgium. In my Party Presidence, I didn't succeed but I hope Jorne Reynders will accomplish that! I was elected twice in Congress.

While I left eBelgium, I have learned that political stability is important for a country, so I will try to keep that in eBelgium by not attacking parties, persons or anything else. We are one INDEPENDENT nation with friends, and that have to stay like that!


Since I am Lieutenant of Platoon Bravo in the eBelgian Army. I descide to focus more on the military then on economy. Since the natural enemy thing, and rumours in between eNL and eBE, are dangerous for eBelgium. So MPP's are needed and I will vote YES to it !


I am now GM of Critically Food/Grain Industry. I want to lower the foodprices in our beautiful country. That is too why I want to lower the import taxes for food. They are now 35!!!!% and that is too much. 10 or 15% is more than enough! More Concurention => lower prices!


It is know that eBelgium has not that much population. And from the population are not much people active in the National Forum or the IRC channel (#eBrussels). To stimulate the activity I set up a game called 'Werewolves of eBelgium'. You can still register!


I think communication is the key word for a government AND a Congress. But that is now not good in eBelgium. The Congress and the government don't communicate with the citizens very good. Normally I expect every week or 10 days (2week max.) a report of the President, but we are now 15 days away from his election, and I didn't see any article where he say what he has done the last 15 days. So I will try to make every week a summary of what the congress realized, I ask her fully cooperation of the Congress and the government! PGE is too a good medium to know what is going on in eRepublik !

I hope everything is clear, and I don't make too much grammatical mistakes!

Good Luck to everyone that will run for Congress!!