Best article in the Universe

Day 2,657, 15:54 Published in Albania Albania by RemainingIllyrians

English version:

-Dear Friends and allies, I have finally gathered my scraps of optimism to start trying to complete the Journalist mission where I need to reach 25 comments. I hate to ask however I would deeply appreciate a comment of whatever content. Unfortunately for you, there will be two more articles following in the near future for the same request. To give you an idea about what to comment I am posting this picture of a potato and you will debate whether it looks sexy enough.

Thank you for your understanding.

Albanian version:

Miq, kompira dhe legena, mi shtoni nja 25 komente 😛

Filthy peasant version(xD):

-Драги Пријатељи и савезници, коначно сам окупио своје остатке оптимизма да почне покушава да заврши мисију новинаре где треба да достигне 25 коментара. Мрзим да питам ипак бих дубоко захвалан коментар од било ког садржаја. На жалост за вас, биће још два члана следећи у блиској будућности за исти захтев.