Austria:In Personal Episode II-Schwrzwolf

Day 1,979, 11:06 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

Second episode of Austria:In Personal,this thime I had the pleasure to have an interview with the Current President of eAustria Schwrzwolf,hope you enjoy it 🙂


I:Welcome,it's a great pleasure for me to have an interview with the current president of eAustria,many people knows you as the president of eAustria,the president the ÖIP too and you are also a 17 times congress-member,but how would you describe yourself?

S:Thanks to you for doing this interview.
I would say I'm a loyal citizen of Austria who tries to do things based more on reason than on emotion and always with the greater good of Austria in mind. On IRC I get described as one of the more serious guys, though I like to think of myself as someone with a fantastic sense of humor.
My career in eRepublik started of as a mildly successful businessman, back when the economic module was working quite well. Since December 2010 I've had various positions in many different governments, became better known in the public and was elected into Congress. More recently, I've taken over as party president of the ÖIP and am now president of this wonderful nation.

I:Each name or nick has it's meaning,what does Schwrzwolf means for you?

S:It's a name with too many vowels and which sounds too martial for someone like me. Still, I like it. My name and avatar are connected to each other. If you look at a higher-resolution image of it, you can see that "Schwrzwolf" (in English: Blckwolf) is written above the depicted animal. The picture is from a calender made by somone with a mental disorder. All the animals in it look very alike and I love how they look. When I started the game, this picture was in my mind and in chosing it as my avatar, I just had to take the name as well.

I:That's a nice story ,and what does this quote means for you,"I got immunity from multiplicity"?

S:It's from the lyrics of a great Cibo Matto song. In the context of this game, to me it means I've never created a multi-account and never will. Also, I like to think it means that multis don't affect me.

I:Kind,as you talked about the calendar we can deduce that the Austrian RL community is quite solidary,do you think this solidarity is reflected in the erepublik austrian community?

S:I think we're a helpful and caring community, yes. New players, especially if they venture to our IRC-channels, are often received with all the information and material help they need. If people show they can be trusted and are willing to work for Austria, they can get into Congress or in government offices pretty quickly as well.
Of course, all this depends on how you approach us. If people appear to cheat and exploit us, we won't show our friendly side. It's an old story: Be kind and you will be treated kindly.

I:Ok,let's focus a bit on erepublik and your career here,Why did you chose Austria? and Have you ever thought about leaving it?

S:I'm Austrian in real life. For these kind of games, I like playing in small nations and I assumed that Austria would be one in eRepublik as well. Which was correct.
By now, I will never change my citizenship, not after the many experiences I've had here. But I did think of moving to another country before. For example, Germany attracted me because of the slightly bigger and - at the time - more active community whose media I was reading already.

I:So if Austria wouldn't be available ,Germany will be first your option or you prefer another country?

S:If there was no Austria in eRepublik, I might have German citizenship, yes. But the main reason I was thinking of joining them was the fact I was already reading their media and therefore had a connection to them. If I didn't know anything about anyone in this game and Austria wasn't available, I could see myself chosing another country just as well. In such a case, my choice would probably be a small, relatively unknown country.

I:In your opinion,does the small countries have some advantages above the big ones?

S:Yes. The community is a lot tighter and people know each other more. There is also a higher chance to get into political offices, although the people in the government don't change as often as in bigger nations because there's a smaller supply. It's also easier to learn a game when you're in a smaller, less complex environment.

I:As president,what do you feel when hungary denies Slovakia Burgenland after the hard negotiations ?

S:The Hungarian government wanted to return Burgenland. There have been some problems with coordinating everyone, telling them where to fight and where not to fight. Some people always fight for their own nation, regardless what the government says. Others see Burgenland as part of their nation and fought against the resistance. The whole thing is a bit sad, as it hurts two allies.

I:That was a hard moment for you and for eAustria but what's your favorite moment here?

S:The first favourite moment I can think of was when I got my first weapons from the government to fight for Austria. It felt so important and fighting with those weapons was so satisfying. But there have been other great moments with more relevance to the history of Austria. Like the time when we forged a friendship with Slovakia that still stands during a Croatian invasion or the impeachment of Emmerich.

I:And the worst?

S:Now that I have mentioned him, I'm practically forced to say Emmerich's PTO-attempt was a low point for Austria. My personal worst moment however was when I clicked on the link that immigrated a tieger. I knew they were using this exploit and should have been more careful, yet fell for their trap anyway.

I:If you were forced to choose just one,who is the person that you trust the most?


I:In your opinion,which country is the closest ally of Austria and why?

S:After the talks I just recently had with Slovakia, I have to say it's them. We had similar rental or region swaps in the past and they even offered to help against the current PTO-attempt here. There is also the fair fighter group, with many Austrians and Slovakians as members.

I:Most of the members of the austrian community ask themselves this question,Why do you wait so much to present yourself to the presidency?

S:I didn't have the time I thought I would need to be a good president. Now that I've finished my studies (history), there is a small window of opportunity until I find the fantastic job I deserve and won't have enough time again.

I:There are a lot of new people here,this month we grew a bit,so can you explain what is the main responsabilities of a president?

S:The president is responsible for the forming of a government and all the actions of the ministers he appointed. When there are big decisions to be made, heis the one who has to decide in the end. He is also the main representative of a nation in foreign relations. He can propose mutual protection pacts (MPP), declare war (although Congress can do this as well via NE-law) and propose peace. In a war, he also decides which region to attack. In short, he is the most prominent political figure in a country.

I:And in your opinion what is necessary to be a good president?

S:A good president does all those things well. There are a number of ways to achieve this. Even though some presidents are workhorses and like to do it all by themselves, I believe that assembling a great team that helps him along is the best way. I, for example, am blessed with such a great team. Listening to people is of course important, as the best team is useless when you don't listen to their advice.
Above all though, a president has to be totally trustworthy. Stealing presidents are among the worst things that can happen to a nation. There are certainly other necessary qualities, but the answer is pretty long already...
Of course, there are also women playing this game, so please excuse me for using only male pronouns and please also excuse OEBernd for saying there weren't any females on the internet.

I:In your opinion who has been the best president and why?

S:I really can't say who the best president was. Some had vastly different situations and opportunities than others. Sometimes we were threatened to disappear from the map (or already had disappeared), sometimes we played a part in operations by the big alliances and sometimes all was quiet and everyone was happy. All I can say is that I appreciate the work everyone has done even more now that I've seen what it is like.

I:Is there anybody in eAustria whom you wish to kick out?

S:No. Even though I don't approve of their actions and/or don't share their opinions, I don't want to kick any of the usual suspects out. On one hand, this is because I'm humble enough to recognise that I can't be the rightful judge on this matter, on the other hand it's their right to play the game like they want to. That being said, life would indeed be easier without cheaters and agitators and I won't shed a tear if such people leave.

I:Whom do you miss,who has already left?

S:I miss erdoni and ManiLeLe, who were both great economists and an enrichment for our community. Other great persons who aren't with us anymore were Albert Neurath and Michal Lodziana, with whom I started my first party, the Austrian Coalition of Patriots. Yes,that's the first ACP

I:Whom do you reccomend me to have an interview with?

S:Rangeley is always an interesting partner for a discussion. Other people who I'd love to see interviewed are OEBernd, hippie007, exkrementensammler and of course KilleRD (Prince of Austria).

I:And to finish,what plans does Schwrzwolf has for the future?

S:As president, I will try to secure us 2 new MPPs with active nations to ensure we can complete our daily orders from Austria. We're also thinking about a new trainwar to give us more opportunities to achieve the same thing. I would also like to finish updating the tutorials and see a great spring concert with many beautiful songs.
Personally, there are no big plans left in this game for me. Depending on my real life, I might consider running for president again - probably not for May though.

I:Thank you for giving me this interview and wish you all the best in your term as president and in your personal goals

S:Thank you for doing this interview with me.

Have you missed any episode? Check it out:

Luis Grindl

And in the next episode of Austria:In Personal.........................

The SEVEN times president.Rangeley

You Don't want to miss it.

Thanks for reading.