A History

Day 2,430, 06:39 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls
Editor's Note: Today I levelled up and can jion a party, consider this my introduction to my political thoughts in our e-world.

As the usual census on the games demise makes it's rounds, I thought to introduce a quiz of my own; exactly who was to gain from the demise of everything but the fake killing? Who does no one remember when the explicit policy of the eUS government was to run off as many non aligned and non-military playing players? It was before the release of some version, where upon the fighting would be on a hex configuration.
And upon the news of the new version release the fuzzy fewer was born; "fuzzy" came from a long gone player, I respect she would know more on the subject than a man could ever, "fewer" rhymed with the name the fuzzy fewer took for himself, mine turned out be just as true.
All parties became fair game for ptoing' harressment and bulling were encouraged, if not outright rewarded. The exodus of players, played out in the press; pleas for lowering of taxes so businesses could survive (pre-commune times), the gloating of a pleased elite leadership, the labelling of all none elitest/faux nazi (remember RL brownshirts, piont being not all faux nazi where good enough to be elitest, but were good enough for the dirty work)

Editors Note; While there were gangs of trolls in those times, they were not all that good, yet unfortunately effective on those not so crazed as me (your mention PQ; cause your only interested in the show, not the struggle for freedom, stay irrevalent it's easier to appear intelligent that way)

Speaking of ptoers' oddily enough Candor (proud faux nazi) asked Ajay for a written history of his political adventures, I understand the hesitation, see(s)ing how transparent Candor is (yet Ajay did give Candor his party' afterwards), just image who would be named as the ones who invited Ajay to the eUS (oh, yes he was).

Editors Note; The released version that the elitest disliked (it was just vogue to be disinterested) bomded badily...

The press remained active with the compliant and new exodus of those bored with no one left to pick on (maybe...).

Back to the quiz' who benifitted? The fuzzy fewer got back a perma banned account, proving there is no such thing for some...

I got bonus pionts galore trolling the owls, but what rhymes with "fewer" never made an Admen to cringe???

Bonus Quiz: what party should I jion today?