33 reasons to keep your photo offline

Day 1,617, 00:38 Published in Romania Romania by Real Vasi

33 de motive pentru care nu e bine sa-ti pui poza pe internet.
33 reasons not to upload your photo on the internet.

Totul a inceput sub forma unei poze banale.
Everything started with an ordinary photo.

Lucrurile insa au degenerat rapid.
Things degenerated rapidly.


Written on my new eRepublik keyboard.

Daca citesti asta inseamna ca inca nu ai votat.
If you read this it means you didn't vote yet.

P.S. Daca nu dai subscribe, o sa ti se intample lucruri rele:
O maimuta malefica se va holba la tine noaptea.
In plus lumea se va sfarsi si... alte chestii. Chestii foarte rele.

P.S. If you don't subscribe, bad things are gonna happen to you:
An evil monkey will stare at you at night.
Plus the world will end and... stuff. Really bad stuff.

Real bonus

Acest articol este un pamflet si trebuie tratat ca atare.
This article is an pamphlet and must be treated as one.

(edited = text + minor image changes)