15 Things Single People Do While Socializing With Their Married Friends!!!

Day 2,383, 04:08 Published in India Egypt by Real Steel 4

This article is via Storypick.com

One by one all our single friends get married. It’s an interesting phase of life when social get-togethers gets awkwardly funny: a mix of single and married friends with their spouses is a recipe for weird.

Here are 15 things single people do when socializing with their married friends.

1. Pit the couples against each other. Have a little fun at their expense

It’s fun to watch a newly wed miya-biwi fight it out 😛 😛

2. Play deaf to their “How being married is great” talk

Yeah, yeah…whatever! 😛 😛

3. Dance alone and convince them that life is good

Single is the way to go! 😛 😛

4. Pretend you didn’t see any of their ‘Footsie’ play

Pyaar, vyaar…tck, tck. 😛 😛

5. And pray that they don’t kiss again in front of you

Ab bas. 😛 😛

6. Or puke with the sudden love sickness in the air

Oh not again 😛 😛 😛

7. If they don’t get the signal, create an excuse to leave them alone

I don’t want to be a Third Wheel... NEVER!!! 😛

8. Say “I am happy being single”

Keep saying it till they believe you. 😛 😛

9. Find ways to react to their unsolicited advice on how to find the right guy or girl.

10. But charm their spouses with your unique style statement

So they hook you up with their other single friends.

11. Flirt a bit. Harmless right?

No? Ok.

12. Or just focus on the food

Food + Single > Married (my type 😛 😛)

13. Eat from their plates too to make your point stronger

Food wins. 😛 😛

14. Act senti & say things like, “Shaadi ke baad, tu badal gaya, dost”

15. Finally, beg your friend to party without their spouse for once

Let’s go to Goa. Maza ayega, chal na.

The best part is that once you get to know your friend’s other half better, you directly get two friends instead of one. Life is cool that way, aint it?