[TSP] The Saeen Party - Update

Day 1,759, 06:29 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Dear ePakistani's,

As elections for Party President are coming near, I am once again running for Party President. I haven't been writing any articles due to my extensive travelling over the last month and my new responsibilities as Senator.

We had a very disappointing last month under the Presidency of Ishamael Naeblis, even he himself cannot deny it. The country was plundered, the initial war was lost. Every ePakistani spent their gold, energy bars and rockets to counter Iran and were promised by our former President that we will win, but clearly he was wrong and the nation suffered. This is probably the reason he quietly left ePakistan. His affiliation with inci has also raised a lot of questions in ePakistan amongst senior players who know what inci is all about. Ofcourse I could go into all the other details but the facts are present for everyone with a brain to see.

The Saeen Party had staunchly supported Ishamael Naeblis and executed a number of political maneuverers to get him there in the past but we will not endorse individuals in this manner again.

To give you a recap, the party was originally founded by three members, Innocent Warrior, Ishamael Naeblis and myself, during the time when we were fighting against the dictatorship style running of the Council of Elders. Ishamael than left The Saeen Party in order to PTO what is now known as Vento Aureo but the alliance between The Saeen Party and Vento Aureo remained intact. As The Saeen Party members couldn't run for congress all our votes went to Vento Aureo congress members. The agreement was that after Ishamael Naeblis becomes CP, him and most of the VA members would re-join or join The Saeen Party but clearly Ishamael had another plan.

With the recent announcement by Bozli the Party President of Vento Aureo it is now clear that they support and endorse Military Dictatorship and one man shows which is something we cannot support in any manner. They also run on the principls of Dio which effectively means to worship a in game character called Dio who the dioists call their God. The Saeen Party respects the freedom of ePakistani’s to worship and follow which ever ideology they want however effective tomorrow, all VA members who are working in The Saeen Party factories will be fired and supplies cut off to them. Our past alliance with Vento Aureo is no more.

We lost Iran not just because of Ishamael's actions but because the nation was depending on one person, the pressure was too great and the delivery was zero. It is true Ishamael and Pakistan's allies won us Iran back for which I must congratulate all ePakistani's who took part in the war and our international allies with a big thank you to Ariovistus who kept the pressure on Iran during the previous RW. Of course it was generous of Ishamael to buy gold and spend it in supplying and hiring mercs, but sadly in my opinion the victory was a small one. ePakistan was lost because of the actions of one man and won because of the actions of one man. A country cannot run this way and we should all learn from this lesson. I have for sure.

I have always fought for transparency and communication, and I am happy to say that under Mohammad Bilal's presidency, regular meetings are held and that there is a lot more communication. Mohammad Bilal's style of running came as a surprise and to be honest, I didn't expect him to be this active. I applaud Ahsan Shahbaz for joining officially as MoFA and resigning as the senator and senate spokesperson. His resignation has not weakened the Senate but made it stronger as the Senate is an organization run on principles.

Special thanks needs to go out to all existing cabinet members who are working quite hard and actively making the game more exciting and interesting for ePakistan.

Now to re-introduce the Senate, the senate was formed to bring order and to avoid one man shows, its objective is to encourage new players to actively participate in the government and slowly with time to empower the congress to hold accountable the government. The senate comprises of those individuals who are highly active and also comprises of some of the major gold buyers in ePakistan that have traditionally bank rolled a number of operations in ePakistan in the past and present.

The Senate will be a guiding force for ePakistan to help ensure order and consistency, one of our major objectives will be the transition of governments so that past successful projects that are being run are not shut off. Naturally in-game mechanics do not allow us to dictate terms and hence we advise. Mohammad Bilal’s government is regularly updating the Senate on all of its activities and individuals can also message Senators at any point in time with queries, questions or ideas.

The future of ePakistan is dependent on the will power of the citizens, the government alone or the senate alone cannot decide the future. It is the responsibility of each citizen to stand up and to work towards a better ePakistan and most importantly to work together.

There are already quite a few hardworking, bright stars in ePakistan, they know who they are and we need lots more of them before we can become a regional player. For now we are subjected to the will of our powerful allies and enemies.
Kind Regards

Party President
The Saeen Party