[PTO]My Thoughts on the PTO[Day 2472]

Day 2,472, 22:49 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks,

Wow! Two articles in one day!? Is Lelouch sick!? Well, no, but thanks for asking! 😁

Everyone's talking about pre-emptive strikes against UF, while UF threatens retaliation against those threatening their existence. I'm here like

Well, allow me to quit stuffing my face with delicious popped corn.

I know I mentioned a little snip it on my previous article about my stance on the issue at hand, I feel like more has to be done. Observing both sides ramping up hostilities and tensions rising, I feel like there has to be another way. Though I must say something, and UF may not like it.

Whether they would like to admit it or not, they have brought this current shitstorm upon themselves. Bringing in foreigners to boost party numbers, many of said foreign nationals having proven ties to previous PTO attempts, is unacceptable. Even if the UF are doing so with the best intentions in mind, at the end of the day they have no more control over these nationals then they have against me.

Now there have been a few people suggesting we move in swiftly and ruthlessly and completely hijack the party to stop their advancement. UF members are obviously bucking back with threats of their own. If things continue at the pace they are currently progressing, I fear Pandora's box will be opened, and we'll have quite the situation on our hands.

Artist's impression of incoming shitstorm. With Gatineau, QC engulfed in Nuclear Hellfire.

I'm a strong advocate for neutrality, especially when it comes to other party's affairs. However, this isn't a normal situation. I will not accept the current UF Immigration strategy. I will not take the gamble and allow PTOers the ability to derail this nation. That being said I'd like to find a better solution.

I'd like to propose a truce with explicit conditions. Breaking these conditions even slightly would render it null and void. At that point, may Allah have mercy on our souls. This is not an official demand by any means, and I only speak on behalf of myself. This is merely an example of some kind of diplomatic solution. It consists of 5 steps.

Step #1) Halt all Immigration passes across the board, letting in only expats. This may be the most important step in nerfing the intensity of this situation. A few parties have already done this. CPF's official position on immigration is this step (Excluding Funky because he does what he wants unfortunately. As a Q does.) In retaliation to funky allowing an eSA citizen into eCan, UF made it clear that they would resume passing Cit Req's. Clearer heads prevail, and if we are to all exist in this country equally, we must not devolve in to pettiness and let the actions of a few dictate the future of this eNation. Stop all passing of Cit Req's excluding foreign eCanadian citizens abroad.

Step #2)Send all current Serbian Immigrants affiliated with the UF back to the country they came from. While they are situated here, they pose a threat to our nation. Their removal is paramount if we even hope of fixing this mess.

Step #3) Stop all aggressive chest pounding between the parties. No more fear mongering. No more propaganda. Lets clear the air and engage in step 3 like mature individuals. The only thing this poop flinging does is get shit in everyone's eyes and blow the situation into something out of control. Stop all PTO Accusations. Stop all threats of bringing in more PTOers. No more propaganda and threats.

Step #4) Sitting down and engaging in intelligent discussion. You may notice I use "Intelligent Discussion" a lot when referencing UF. This is because my experience with their membership is that many aren't seemingly capable of well thought out and structured debate. If we are to negotiate, we must be able to do so in such a way that both sides can communicate their side intelligently, and in a way that describes in great detail, any points one wants to make.

Step #5) Work together to find a solution. If UF is not the bad guys, and only wants to work to bettering eCanada, then lets hash out an acceptable solution that all sides can agree on in order to make this possible.

As an individual who has spent nearly 6 years playing this game, and 5 or so years in eCanada, I feel that I have invested quite the bit of time and effort into building this community with my fellow eCanadians. I will not stand to see it destroyed by a group of foreigners trying to relocate their organization (Which IMO sounds more and more like a Terrorist Organization of sorts.) I strongly believe this and will fight to the bitter end defending this digital hell hole. Because it is our Hell hole. We chose the paint. We furnished the place. Don't move into our hellhole and bring in your buddies who have a reputation of being freeloaders. (And especially don't use said crap as a threat and point of leverage. That doesn't help your case at all.) Any effort to change our hell hole to better suit your party, and your party alone will obviously bring a huge amount of resistance. You think the current outcry is bad? You haven't seen what happens when you bat the hive one too many times.

Most of us are grown individuals. We can all come to an agreement that benefits every citizen in this eNation. At least I hope so. If we can not, then I'm afraid we are in for dark times.