[MoE Updates] Launching SOS INDIA official website!!!

Day 2,383, 00:47 Published in India Egypt by Real Steel 4

Hello eIndians,

I am very happy to announce that we are launching the official website of SOS INDIA, the government body which has taken up the charge of Ministry of Education and Department of Retention.

The official website can be reached via www.sosindia.tk

Here you will be regularly updated about the retention and Ministry of education activities.

The website is created by the spokesperson of SOS INDIA i.e Nandan BN.

I appreciate his efforts for making this website in a short span of two days!!!

The website was commissioned by Dhanush Tripathy the President of SOS INDIA and was supervised by ME Minister of Education eIndia.

If anyone finds any objection with the material posted or the content of the website please report in to us!!!

Note: Please do visit the website for at least once in a day to keep it alive otherwise it will automatically get deleted!!!


Real Steel 4 aka PS3
Minister of Education, eIndian Government.