[MoD] Battle Order day 2155

Day 2,155, 06:01 Published in Malaysia Thailand by wonkjhon

Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

This is the Ministry of Defense's official portal. All citizens are suggested to fight in the battlefield mentioned in this article. Please vote and chain shout this article so everyone can see.

Subscribe this newspaper to keep updated, order can be changed when necessary.

Latest Update

The Malaysian government had decided to make a Training War at Sabah, this is for draining shield of occupant, increasing our damage for True Patriot, a booster for our community, and gaining a or some BH medal (if you can).

This evening RW at Sabah was started and this RW was sponsored by eMalaysian with government backup if they did not held any BH mission completion..Please Fight for Malaysia side but DO NOT GO ALL OUT YET..it is to early to take back the region..but if we can win it..it will be extra bonus to us.

For our soldier please fill this form for get war supply, also we give some rocket part for division 1 and div 2.

Battle Order

1. To complete Daily Order and daily training

2. Fight for eMalaysia in Sabah

All commander and captain, please be alert and change DO accordingly

What can you do to fight more efficiently?

1. Fight when the wall is below 52% - if it is more than 52%, wait in another round.
2. Always defeat the enemy to his 0 energy, only then your influence will be counted.
3. If you can afford it, fight with Q7 weapon. It is better to hit with Q7 a few times and then few hit without any weapon, the rest hit with lower quality.

eMalaysia official IRC channels
- eMalaysia public channel : #erepublik.my
- Government office : #TheCO
- MOD channel : #emy.supp

For newbie's guide,check this out.
- eRepublik Tutorial in Malay
- Train Like A Pro
- How To Ask Supply at IRC


MoD of eMalay

Panglima Melayu
V-MoD of eMalay