Day 2,225, 23:00 Published in Chile Indonesia by Medox Second

Pangkalpinang - BANGKA BELITUNG, eDay 2225

Hello eChile, I am New Citizen From eIndonesia. . .

Sory for my bad English . . Iam Just Google User 😛

First I have Gift from my eCountry 😛

Oke, I just need a friends from eChile . .

This was my second trip. .

Here I will fight and fight with the results in the destruction of 69 million. . .

I Hope I Accepted here: D

I almost forgot. .
I Ran a member of congress. .

But I have a rank 18: P

Party president who knows me would advance into 8: D
That I must be working with a lot of people: D

Please add me as Friend . .

Another Army . .

VCS Please 😃

"Salam Basah Selalu. . ."