+++ HOT NEWS+++ First test of the new eRepublik military module +++HOT NEWS+++

Day 820, 08:22 Published in Germany Germany by NeueN

Good evening, ladies and gentlemans.

This is what we call hot news!

The eGerman Vice-MoD NeueN leaks this picture of the new eRep military module to our editorial staff.

As you can see, a new sort of weapon - called helicopter- is hunting at some poles.

Here is what NeueN says to us: " Dear Gedankensprengsatz, dear nation of eGermany, dear Phoenix!
I've tried the new feature ( helicopter) and I have to say: It's amazing! Hunting ePoles was never easier!

But we tentalised you long enough:



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Hail eGermany,
Hail Phoenix!

P.S. Keep the Gedankensprensätze-Newspaper in view for new tidings related to the eRep update.