[DoD] Day 2526 - Prepare For War

Day 2,526, 07:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

October 20th, 07:10 eRep Time

Citizens of the Republic,

It is time to inform you of your countries actions over the past 24 hours and what you can expect over the coming days.

Over the past week, Aurora HQ have been plotting together to cause trembles throughout the eWorld. Aurora played a major role in the wiping of China and have left Asteria severely shaken. Unfortunately for them, we have not finished. The war is long from over.

Under guidance from Aurora, our CP Cry of the Banshee began to quietly gather the funds for an Irish airstrike using personal and national stocks whilst also seeking private donors. The funds were gathered and in a smart move, an airstrike on Saudi Arabia was proposed. This enabled Ireland an easier landing of our airstrike and gave us a border with our real target - Greece.

Greece is one of the largest nations in this game and its weekly damage normally secures them a top 5 finish in scoreboards. However, co-ordination and tactics matter a great deal and wins wars, the collapse of China echoes this. Greece has at time of writing a total of 27 regions. These regions are all occupied for lengthy periods from friendly nations to us such as Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and our brothers in Aurora, Macedonia.

We have come to liberate these nations.
We have come to do them justice.
We have come to punish Greece.

Last night our CP proposed a natural enemy on Greece.
Last night Bulgaria proposed a natural enemy on Greece.
Last night Mexico proposed an airstrike on Greece.

Greece, Aurora is coming. We will come in numbers. And we will not come quietly.

Citizens of Ireland,

-Supplies for Irish battles will be available on IRC at #IrishArmy.

-If you can not access IRC, orders will be published accordingly with alternative methods to access supplies.

It is time to redeem our credibility as a nation. We march as one.

Éire Abú

“It is not those who can inflict the most,
but those who can suffer the most who will conquer.”

~ Terence Mac Swiney

Useful Links

Irish Forums: http://eireland.url.ph/
Irish IRC: #Eire ( How to use IRC)
Irish FA on IRC: #Eire.FA
Irish DoD on IRC: #IrishArmy

Department of Defence
Ian E Coleman
An Sluagh