[Dictator] Europa Universalis 4 Dictator Exam

Day 2,767, 00:52 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by milestailsprower

A jank banner for a jank dude

Hello fellow citizens,

A few people have questioned by ability to be a dictator of any country, much less the Czech Republic. I have decided to take the well renown standardized EU4DE (Europa Universalis 4 Dictator Exam), a sort of entrance exam where you are given full control over a country and made to lead it to victory.

Of course, I had to take the Bohemian subject exams and start off a fresh new game as them. Each turn in game is 1 day and you play over the course of 400 years or something, so I'm not actually finished with the exam, but I think you will be pretty happy with my performance so far.

As a disclaimer: I did not have the proper credentials to take the higher level CK2RE (Crusader Kings 2 Royal Exams), whose score then gets calculated into making a different starting exam for the EU4DE. I have to pass this exam first in order to take that, so hopefully, I shall be able to prove my merit in this way.

I didn't take a lot of early pictures but all you need to know is I crushed these other nerds around me (Brandenburg, Luneburg, Magdeburg, etc.) and didn't even trigger any coalitions against me, so that was nice. I allied with Poland and they were surprisingly helpful in deterring Austria from doing things.

Here I am looking at all them juicy coastal provinces. Our empire must reach out to the seas!

Oh no Sweden did you want to keep those Danish provinces oops get rekt.
This is also the part where Poland broke their alliance with me. They saw how big I got after that war and wanted out. You can see them being occupied by many rebels here. Suckers. Whatever, I ended up getting France as an ally. They don't really call me in to do much, and I don't call them in. We just sorta prevent people from messing with us, and that's fine.

Here is me annexing poor old Saxony. They never really expanded and I just surrounded them and made them my vassal when they decided to declare war on me during one of my wars with the Swedes. Saxony really hated me maybe because they were Holy Roman Emperor and they kept demanding I give territory back.

Anyway annexing current HRE no big deal ho hum~

Poland really hates me mannnnn I just wanted to be friends and they broke my heart. They lust after literally all my starting provinces here because they are jerks. 😢

And here is me right now in all my glory.

Trust me, if you gave me 100 actual years in eRepublik, I would totally triple our country size too. Because I am pro and also everyone who would want to play this game would get rekt oops did I just say that out loudddddd.

(jk love you eRep don't take my article down yolo)

Warm regards,