[CP election] The Quest for Atlantis

Day 2,204, 13:28 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

I have seen many of us talk about Atlantis. The place in this game that we can launch a successful Air Strike, hold it, and not suffer the wrath of TWO, and not alienate any of our current allies, all at the same time. The place people seem sure does exists, put no one has yet pointed it out on the map.

I promise if Atlantis exists we will find it. We will develop the plan and the support, and with your approval, we will teach these Atlantian’s a lesson for being so mysterious.

Domestically I am very happy with where we stand. Having been a member of congress since we got our congress back, I support our current low tax regime. The number one asset a country has in this game is people. Low taxes encourage more people to join us, in particular highly develop entrepreneur type players find us very attractive.

I believe and encourage all congress member’s use their citizenship approvals each and every term. We only get 2 each, so use them. Just click on the person’s profile and use your own best judgement. Just do it.

Having been a part of government’s many times I have seen what works and what does not. I believe a successful CP needs to try to make his support circle as large as possible by using different groups, not just his cabinet. The more people you have invested in your decisions the better. If people feel empowered and invested in your government they will take ownership in your successes and your failures with you.

If I have not won you over yet here is the clincher. I promise, I will not post any videos of myself. I will not even mention the existence or non existence of any pet I may, or may not own. I will only mention my personal calendar if it pertains to the game.

Thank you for considering me for the position CP.

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid
Candidate for CP December 2013