[Country President] Ressource Wars, Natural Enemy and Airstrike

Day 2,623, 17:12 Published in Nigeria Germany by Kalif Batan

Dear fellow eNigerians,

once again I can give you informations to some current events. Many things happened, since I wrote my last official article.

Ressource wars:
The first and most important issue is the event, that Plato brought us: Ressource Wars
In short, the event is about the ressources that are redistributed over all regions. Countries can set different ressources as preselections for their original regions. Whenever a country wins a Campaign or releases a region with resistance war, they get a token and the first selected region will get the first preselected ressource that is still available. The total number of the specific ressources are different, so there are rare and less rare ressources. If other countries already have used all of a ressource, the next preselected ressource is used on your region if you win a token. You can see a example of a preselection of regions and their ressources here in South Africa: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/resource-wars/South-Africa/1

Nigeria needs to look at its strong neighbours and their choices, which ressources they want to get. There are many different strategies, which we are currently discussing in our forum. I ask every Nigerian to take part there until the tournament starts! Here is the link to the discussion: http://enigeria.boards.net/thread/43/resources-war

Natural Enemy:
We have already made our decision, how we will try to get as many tokens as possible to choose our future ressources: we will work together with Chile, which is occupying our regions at the moment. They will win direct campaigns and get tokens that way, while we release regions with resistance wars and get tokens for that. I already proposed a Natural Enemy law against Chile to start this war!

I ask all Nigerian citizens not to fight in the oncoming direct wars against Chile! It is very important that we win our Resistance Wars instead! Fight as hard as you can in these wars if needed!

Also, we will need people to help start the RWs. Please be attentive and look for shouts that tell you where to support a RW!

If needed, the Government will give out Q7 weapons to Nigerians, or set COs to win our resistance wars. The taxes should be used for the taxpayers good and that is our plan. No one needs too much money on the bank. You need to spend a bit at the right time and that time could be now!

As I told you up above, it is very important to win tokens fast. That is the reason why Turkey asked us, to start an Airstrike on them. They fight back and as soon as we lose, they get one token. Turkey paid us the money that is needed for an airstrike, 5k CC for the lost MPP with UK, 10k CC for our effort and they filled up our food account for Airstrikes for 100 percent. So I proposed this Airstrike today also:

I ask all Nigerians not to waste their damage for this attack! Please just fight in the RWs as I told you above!

Congress Elections:
As you all noticed, the congress elections this month are happening without Sporting party and Juve Leo. Because of the constant illegal naturalizations and the troll proposals coming from their side, we saw no other way than to throw their party out of Top 5 to keep them out of congress. Especially this month is very important, because we will have 20 congressmen and therefore 20 citizenship passes. I thank everyone, who helped to make that possible for a better future of eNigeria!

Some personal words about my article regarding this issue:
Some people were criticising the style of my article and they called me a bad winner. I tell you something: sometime you got to let off steam! I was the main target for many spam and insult attacks by that group of players for weeks and months now. They insulted me publicly and with PMs, of course every time with different accounts, so they don't get a temporary ban like Juve did once. Now, after really much work and coordination that I put in this issue, I could finally manage to win a big battle against them. It was a great success for me personally when we acchieved to throw them out of Top 5. So that article has all the relief in it, that I felt this morning. I am not sorry for that article or its style, because it was necessary for me. At least I had enough control over myself, to not get a Forfeit Point or Temporary Ban for anything! 😉

Best regards,

Country President of eNigeria