WEREDWARFS: The Worm Turns…

Day 4,199, 08:15 Published in Netherlands Australia by JackTrout

Oh, the irony and the pity. Oh, the humanity of it all.

We last saw our villagers in dire peril, with only 5 villagers remaining against 3 hideously clawed weredwarfs. But the worm turns, and turns again...

And then! The villagers cast an oldtime spell, and the Weredwarf Janty F turned to stone!

And then! The weredwarfs came by night to kill a villager. But they found their choice was protected by a skilled Healer. No villager died that night. Jubilation in the village!


But then! An act of God (or Goddess) sent an earthquake to part of the village. The ground shook, and a stone house crumbled. One wall fell and crushed the villager NoTie112.

I had a chat with God (or Goddess) about this.

“God (or Goddess),” I said. “People want to know, why would you take an innocent villager, and not the evil scourge of a weredwarf?”

God (or Goddess) answered, “Duh, weredwarfs live in the woods, not in stone houses. Anyway, it’s not like there were no villagers named in that pitiful, muddy ‘vote’. Who’s complaining? Tell him I said to suck it up, princess.”

This smiting leaves the villagers at 3 to 2 against the weredwarfs, who currently prowl the night. If the weredwarfs kill successfully, it will be 2:2, and only an early, accurate, and clear vote tomorrow would allow the villagers to live on.

The end draws near, for one side or the other. Still, only time will tell who wins this classic battle of good versus evil.

Author’s note: Please remember that religion is a personal issue, and your God (or Goddess) may not speak as presented here. But mine does, all the time. If you are offended, I can only say, Sorry. Now suck it up, princess.