Update from admins

Day 830, 02:05 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket

Yesterday the admins gave us a few updates in the eRepublik Insider
You can read the whole article here, but two points we thought were important enough to comment.

Citizenship glitch: new born citizens now receive the citizenship of the region's original country. This way, at registration, new citizens receive the correct citizenship, regardless if another country had occupied the selected region. Furthermore, in order to make our new born citizens' first steps easier, here are some more modifications: they start their e-life with 100 wellness (instead of 50) and reach experience level 2 with only 6 Experience Points (EP). Also, they'll be able to fight from level 3, move from level 4 and send e-mail invitations from level 5 onwards. This will make the exploration of the New World much more interesting during the first days.
Staring my own eLife in an occupied regon I know firsthand how confusing this can be. Wellness is always good and level 4 used to be the most boring level every. So good job admins!

Hospital glitch: We continue with some news for food companies. You will love it: your products will become much more important in our daily lifes. The old "trick" to use hospitals as a substitute for food and houses is going to change: a citizen will be able to recover from a hospital only the wellness lost in battles, in that day. The maximum wellness which could be restored through healing does not change, it remains related to the hospital quality. So, if you want your character to be happy and healthy you'll have to buy other products, like tasty food and cool houses. The hospital will only heal your war wounds, which makes sense, not like going to war in order to get healthier. Of course, the new modules introducing customized products and time management will add interesting possibilities: for example, you could sleep more to recover more wellness...but why would you waste your beautiful e-life sleeping? 🙂
Countless articles encourage this "trick" (as the admins call it). I won't comment on this being good or bad, in my opinion it is just different. It is important to notice that this is no longer a viable strategy and that keeping wellness high is more vital than ever.

In other news Immigrasjonsverket is still supporting new Norwegian Citizens that need help.
Need food or gifts? Justsend us a message or comment here. The Quiz is still running today and tomorrow (sunday) Read more about the quiz here. Still a lot of prizes left.

We also give 20 NOK to every Norwegian Citizen that register on eRepublik.no and comment in this threa😛
(copy & paste link)

Minister of Immigration - Endymionis
Vice Minister of Immigration - Brekkjern