TWO Magazine [idea]

Day 2,038, 11:39 Published in Poland Serbia by Dio Corkan
How to exceed the language barrier between our societies without using mostly broken english such as mine?

It's simple. I want to make an international editorial staff which would consist of one good journalist from each member country of TWO. We would write on a weekly basis, shortly, about all the most important events in our homelands, each of us in english. Than we would share the paragraphs between us, translate them to our languages and publish in our newspaper, each of us in his country.

We would write about latest geo-political events and the opinion of common players about the current ongoings, about the mood of our societies concerning different topics, about everything which would be interesting to our readers.

For the beginning, let's start with Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and UK.

What are the first steps?
1. If you are a journalist from the 6 listed countries (you need a CS to be able to publish there), please contact me in english via personal message in game.
2. I will wait for 2 days and receive all applications. Afterwards I'll choose people which I'm mostly satisfied with (knowledge of english and number of readers will be the main norms).

I would like to see good ideas in the comments, too.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.