Torneo de ``Caza Mayor``

Day 3,276, 05:51 Published in Argentina Portugal by picua

La primer jornada arranco muy dura para los competidores , que tuvieron que luchar no solo contra la experiencia de los adversarios sino tambien con el incentivo que les dio a estos la multiplicacion del premio por bh`s.
Es asi que se podia notar una verdadera invasion de ancestrales jugadores poniendo todo su empeño en conseguir el mayor de los reditos ,batalla tras batalla, con su interminable capacidad belica y de recuperacion de energia.

Pero esto no amilano a un grupo de guerreros que poniendo corazon e inteligencia supieron como manejar la situacion, siendo Cesar Michael quien dio el primer batacazo en una batalla por demas entretenida, inaugurando el medallero del torneo.
Muchos se vieron desbordado por la fuerza del oponente pero lograron que aquellos que los enfrentaron se fueran lamiendo las heridas de una batalla por demas costosa y no tan tentadora como imaginaron.

El medallero va creciendo y ya tenemos quienes se animan a enviar un relato por demas entretenido de sus logros.
Sigamos asi, el dasafio esta planteado, de nosotros depende...

English Version

The first day started very hard for the competitors, who had to fight not only against the experience of the opponents but also with the incentive that gave them the multiplication of the prize for bh`s.
This is how you could notice a real invasion of ancestral players putting all their efforts to get the greatest of the bounties, battle after battle, with his endless ability belic and energy recovery.

But this did not amilano to a group of warriors that putting heart and intelligence knew how to handle the situation, being Cesar Michael who gave the first bump in a battle for other entertaining, inaugurating the medal of the tournament.
Many were overwhelmed by the strength of the opponent but managed to get those who faced them to lick the wounds of a battle over expensive and not as tempting as they imagined.

The medal is growing and we already have those who are encouraged to send a story for other entertaining of their achievements.
Let's continue, the challenge is raised, it depends on us ...