The World Day 3747

Day 3,747, 16:02 Published in Ireland Israel by Black Coyote

This is a lot more of a rant that a real geopolitical analysis cuz a decent one requires writing a sh*tton and i aint interested. Only reason i will be writing this is because im single and bored. Without further ado:


This alliance is serving its original purpose to bring peace in South America. Back in the day there was a red line with Chile ruling one side and Argentina the other, so according to Newton`s Laws each action by one side meant an equal and opposite reaction by the other side. In the free time they had the usual cowboy talk which went something in the lines of:
-“Yep you cant whipe me and I cant whipe you too”
~”Yep I hate you”
-“Yep I hate you too”
Then you add waste of damage/resources and the greed of the zaibatsu, sprinkle it with honor/respect and viola you got a new alliance.
At the moment its piloted mainly by Chile and Argentina. Gee, what a surprise!
The most interesting thing I could point out is that if you take a microscope, we can see some feeble “pro-asterian” movement coming back home.
There are 3 countries of SA that are not part of Andes: Brazil is closely entangled with Andes and that “non-Asteria” side, Colombia is playing innocent angel, ”...ah child, you looked like an innocent angel; appearances can be deceiving...”, and Peru is more or less acting as extended hand of Asteria(with relative success) to this part of the world.
You could say its all swell down there and their military forces are playing hide and seek mostly.


Ah, land of the free. It was built upon the backs of an eagle and a bear, which in terms is translated into its brawls consisting of slow, heavy paws(soviet indeed) and the brains being of featherly descend(bawk bawk bawk).
Its not my job to discredit anybody but their petty repetitive actions helped me into creating a unique view of them. Ever heard of the Psychopath Test? Long story short in order to save a few people you yourself need to kill a person. The bird brains in charge here are notorious for minimizing the damage with using sacrificing lambs.
If I have to start writing about the general countries i`ll have to write a freaking lot, so i`d rather not. To save you time too, most people wouldn’t want to touch some of their members with a barge pole.
Their military power…these are the bashibozuk if you wanna draw a RL parallel…
Im not saying everyone in Pacifica is evil, im just saying if you are still there, for Pete`s sake leave while they haven’t sunken you too.


“The big boyz”. Established to continue the hegemony of the “Old” World Order, it has become much more successful that its predecessors becoming The oldest alive alliance since recently.
If I wanted to fund a cure for cancer i`d bet my money on these guys!
As I said the stage is the same, but, a lot of actors got replaced during the play. Every turbulent storm led to tweaking the inside structure. RL parallel to Asteria is cockroaches, but in a good way, you know, their survivability ...
What sealed their dominance is having a VERY mobile, modern(rich) army. Asterians and pro-asterians are the chunky piece of the pack-consumers-chart. Also, they have military bases in almost every corner of the world. THIS SHOULD NOT BE AN UNDERESTATEMENT. They can deploy troops faster than Pete, and Pete suffers from premature ejaculation, ok?
Some people say that Serbia has the final word, others think its Romania.
Serbia has never let its local earthquakes reflect on them externally, you gotta give them that. Not much else to talk about them, typical farmville country with very human mistakes.
And now, for the big revelation, exposing the hidden genius of Romania.
When was the last time you saw them taking the short straw? That’s right, you cant remember. Some say it was thanks to them being the Adminlandia. The most red of the Hungarian cherry assured and could have sworn that Romania was exploiting the game and were willing to offer me proofs. Now, I have encountered similar claims by RL Romanians as well, but, think about it. No matter how much power one holds if he isn’t smart sooner or later he will f*ck up. Romania however hasn’t made human mistakes.
Yep, its all about that fat tissue you have in your head, “The pen is mightier than the sword” some say. Remember that time when Romanians were the first to offer help to Hungary when it was threatened by MTO? I do. Remember HunRom? I do. Remember when they were flexing muscles on Bulgaria, but as soon as Macedonia rose like a phoenix, they backed down? I do.
What happened when Macedonia and Bulgaria started to grow and Greece+Turkey started to decay? You guessed it! Its not official cuz its politics, but you know who is pro-asteria and who is “non-Asteria” now. And the whole process lasted very long, started at a point in which the future was seemingly unpredictable, or so we thought. It`s Soros incarnate, if you wanna be successful too follow his bids on the stock market. Or maybe I should say they are like them Brits(Europe is falling apart btw).



I gotta commend the determination of these guys! They really stood out to their preamble, hats off to you guys.
United as one, we stand here to withstand the rocking waves of the ocean.
All members of this alliance, regardless of the number or power, are staying in one boat working together to achieve a common goal.

They try to preserve their activity as best as they can. As for the military might, it scores in the top 40th percentile of the damage leaderboard.



Alliance of Developing Countries

Very new alliance, 3 months old. Had a rocky start but valiant effort is being put into it, so we`ll see how things play out.