The Federalist Press (Day 2139)

Day 2,139, 14:37 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

- JoshFrost

We have problems in this country that extend far deeper than just losing battles or territories or even elections. We’re highly factionalized across the board. We are and have always been highly partisan. We are even factionalized across even military lines and we have no long term national philosophy to speak of.

What we need in this country is a fundamental philosophy change in how we conduct ourselves on both a political and militaristic level. We have created a nation that is fractured and impossible to govern properly. We aren't a united nation, instead we are a confederation of parties and MU’s that only work together when we are threatened. We can accomplish more and achieve great things if we work together all the time, instead, we spread ourselves thin along a variety of different fronts and do not have the necessary manpower to accomplish the goals we need to ensure our basic survival.

What Makes a Online Game Great
- Kelly J. Brown

There are any number of factors that can make an online game good, and most of these are outside the control of the player. But I will submit that, what makes such a game great is not the design, graphics, or gameplay, but rather, something much more basic to the human experience: other human beings.

I am very new to eRepublik, and relatively new to social games in general. I guess I don’t really fall into the normal gaming demographic – female, over 25 (positively old, I know), and, to be perfectly honest, a bit short on eye-hand coordination. But when I came across this game, something about it immediately appealed to me. It might have been the prospect of building up a character and participating in e-wars, or perhaps it was Plato’s undeniable sexiness. But I think it was more likely something else: that what’s really engaging about this game is not clicking buttons and watching numbers go up, but rather, participating in a vibrant community – an online community, but no less real for that. The more I’ve gotten to know some of the players here, the more I see fun, intelligent, organized human beings. People with sharp senses of humor, a welcoming attitude, and no short amount of e-patriotism. The Feds, so far, have been the shiniest examples of this, for me. I was immediately welcomed, and my questions were handled with understanding and enthusiasm.

I will admit that when I first noticed that our e-country was currently on the receiving end of some rather unpleasant brutishness from both within and without, I thought that perhaps I had joined the losing team. No one wants to see their e-country go down in flames! But what I am now coming to realize is that, again, this game is about something much more basic than wars and territories and political take-overs: it’s about people. People having fun organizing themselves around a common purpose, and having great experiences and occasionally forging lasting friendships along the way. As with any game, one can’t always expect to win, but one can always expect to have fun in the company of good people.

So even if we do get wiped, I’ll still be here, doing what I can and enjoying the company of my fellow Feds.

…But all that sai😛 there’s nothing like being invaded to spark some patriotism. Let’s go kick some e-Polish and e-Spanish tail.


Recruitment Director: Dr Luis Sentieiro
The Federalist Recruitment Department is fundamental to our party as we are the ones who invite the new blood into it. Currently we are working on several programs in order to help the new players to know a bit better the various modules of our game and to create a welcoming platform within it. We have a good personal touch and we will make sure each new player will receive the best welcome to our party for they are the future. The new players are the future of the Federalist party and our nation.

Political Director: AlexJ1890
"The Federalist Express is currently looking to buy slaves… I mean hire workers to work in our sweatshop… uh, help send the messages with all the important information every Fed should know.  If you’re interested in helping, contact AlexJ1890 for more information."

Retention Director: Apollo221
Feds Retention Program is always looking for help! New members need a warm welcoming committee and a little guidance. Retention members get the chance to create a relationship with new Feds, while gaining experience themselves.  Don’t be shy, if you would like to help, feel free to message Apollo221 for more information.

Tech Director: BlondeNinja
The Federalist party is constantly improving and undergoing changes to achieve such aspirations. As such we have formed a new department dedicated to the technological side of the party’s pursuits and meeting the technical challenges those present. The new department, more specifically, is developing advanced tools, scripts, and providing technical support for all areas of the party. We have already begun work on some of these items as well as building a team to work in this area. The scope of the department is not as limited to the seemingly drab aspects of coding as far more than that is involved in technological based work. We encourage any and all Feds interested to apply. I am proud to be placed as head of this new department and am very excited to begin realizing it’s full potential.

eFederalist Party Radio

Fed Radio is back and rolling. We are here to stay every Monday night at 1800 eRep (9PM Eastern, 6PM Pacific).  

Hosted by eliwood_sain and his friends in the Media department, shows have been known to include strange songs, interesting inquiries, and fantastic fun.  

Everyone is invited to listen to our live shows (or go back through the archives) and join in on the fun at

We love it when people call in as well, and the phone number is on each episode's page (or you can skype in completely free).  If you would like to request a song to go on air (at the discretion of producer eli), fill out the form at  We hope you will be listening Monday!


Thanks for reading!

Federalist Media Team,
Editor - Director of Media Melissa Rose
Contributing Writers - Kelly J. Brown, Mourning Star, Eliwood_Sain

Federalist Press Release Day 2139